Friday, July 30, 2010



Ps, recently busy with FPQA, NLS quizzes and tv. hahahs. Just finished watching 宫心记 and 富贵门~ NICE! <宫>ending was... Jinling went crazy.. LOL. Funny ending. <富>also not bad.. Sha Fu Lai lost his memory after explosion.. But both of them so scarily cruel in the shows=S

Zzzz then now the new shows both also like lame comedy de. Not really nice ler =( Sian, tomorrow have My Fair Lady by Yoon Eun Hye, Yoon Sang Hyun and Jang Il Woo. They look cute together! [:




These pics were taken quite a few weeks ago =X

We were like so crazy that day! After playing timezone we went to the neoprint machine and went "AHHHH AHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHH" :D

Mario (Mummy), Luigi (Mike), Blue Toad (Weihao), Yellow Toad (Me)!<3>
The bubble thingy is our rebirth

HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH. YIPEEEEE tomorrow we are gonna wii again! Need to unlock 9-2 .. difficult like hell lo >/ must get all 3 coins in each round of level 2. GRRRRRRR. Only Weihao damn zai sia.. lolls. the rest of us like tuo lei him only =X

Hmmmm ok, till here bah!~ shan't complain on about stupid Salmah and all my pending worksss =/
Nightnights! :>



Though he damn scary in the show.. his song speaks for his true character [:
You see the scar on his upper lip? My mummy say is cause he fell from the stage during one of his past performance.. Humph! spoiler only lo..... but, he still ever great looking (Y)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hahas.. just read my past bloggie posts.. really miss sec life.. really miss my fun and all the stupid things that I've done. =>

But, time will just keep ticking and never rewind. The earth just keeps spinning.. Is there a way to turn the earth, letting it move anti-clockwise? This can rewind time...

My head hurts like shit sia.. for no reason.. Zzzz.. tomorrow FPQA is gonna start on package4. ]": Sadddeddddd. Is like damn chiong lar! HUMPH. Package 3 also haven finish eh.. My FI report also.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH im ohso going bonkers!!!!

NVM~ i just done a good deed. Helped Tansansin heal her com [: Love me ttm nowww heh heh heh heh heh heh
Thanks Javier! Really saved her. Will treat you drinks de but must remind me eh.. LOL will forget one =X
Yupp, shoudn't worry about karma ^^V

Now still uploading pics to facebook. SUPER SLOW. Grrr.. so, can upload pics to bloggie also ler. YAYYYYY.

Wooooo~ Friday is coming and its my best day<3! hehehehehe. Dont know have time to meet up with Sweesoon they all mah.. humph. BETTER CHOOSE A GOOD TIME HOR! I want singggg one lehh.. lolls never see them sing before also. 好期待哦![:

Want continue upload stupid slow loading pics. ^^ Ok... shall end it here with love [: NIGHTS.

Been so long since we really chat .. You said no, is it because you really don't care or just being scared?
Since then, I've changed. Really changed. Im no longer like that time.. cruel and mean.. Or maybe now I just have lesser confident because of the way you treat me. Last time, I was taking all the things for granted.. expecting you to wait no matter what, thinking that you love me more than I do. lolls, that was just a stupid judgment i made. Now it seems to be that you have moved on and im still stuck at that place.

Monday, July 12, 2010


词:刘耕宏 曲:周杰伦

设定的痛该用什么 解开
爱对简单 错很难 剩离开
爱对简单 错很难 剩遗憾

Have listened many times, each time only you appeared in my mind. Its kind of special to me..
Enjoy and love this [:

slacky slack day

Ignore the font from yesterday post ok.. its kind of unchangeable..

YOU KNOW WHATTT.. I WOKE UP AT 3PM WHEN I SLEPT AT 12AM TODAYYY. =x Totally being wore and torn by SPORTSLINK lo.. worked from 4 to 9.30pm.. and im dead beat. LOL i admit im abit old ok =P Plus, he already not working liao = NO motivation ]:

ITS MY LIL FAMILY DAY TODAY<3! LOL. cause i din wake up until 3 so, we din go to church~~~ end up, we play Wii in daddy's room. ROFL. Mike owned us all the first 6rounds in Mario Karts and after lose to dii... TOO BAD. He was damn proud lo.. Daddy and mummy was like fighting for last position xP but actually not bad lar~ can be better!
Played Raymian too .. LOL then we went kisiao like them(Y)

Ohyah.. yesterday freaking feel like banging onto the wall.. there's a old tomboy woman.. she wanted to buy pouch .. so here she goes.......

her: "Hey girl, come come come"
me: "Hi, how can i help you?"
her: "help me choose can?" (holding onto Adidas and Nike pouches)
me: "Oh yes.. erm.. for me i will choose the Adidas one"
her: "Really? Adidas one better meh? Why ar? Why better?"
me: "Oh, no no.. its just that i like the design better"
her: "Huhh.. you tell me lar, why.. why you choose Adidas one? Nee-kii not good meh?"
me: "No lar, i really just like the design better.. You should choose yourself .. different people prefer different things mah"
her: "But ar, you say this one nice mah, you tell me why lar"
(i was freaking fed up already.. so i decided to show her others instead of being stuck with just two)
her: "wah, have the red and black one ar.. eh, which one nicer? you choose for me leh"
me: "i will choose the red one"
her: "Really meh.. but ar .. you say the Adidas one better?"
her: "Hmmm.. i think i like the Nee-kii one leh.. but ar.. why you choose the other one"
her: " ok lar.. you tell me.. Nee-kii or Adidas more famous?"
me: "actually both also quite famous what"
her: "really ar? both from other country make one or China?"
me: "NO, not from China de.. dont worry. Both very famous one.. dont worry"
her: "oooo ok... you see the zip. I want put only handphone and secret things one.. you see which one good for me"
me: "hmmm.. both also can mah"
her: "but ar.. i like the Nee-kii one lar.. but you say this one nice.. you choose.. you help me choose lar"
nb.. seriously sia.. for that very moment i feel like wacking her with the damn pouch.
HAHAHAHA she no choice but to just take her NEE-KII pouch and pay.. what the hack right?!?!! take note of the NEE-KIII. grrrr.. i was damn tired already still neekii here and there ..
best is.. after paying.. still havent zao leh.. stay around looking and talking on phone. suddenly... while im folding the clothes outside halfway.................
her: "eh girl ar.. come in help me can? i want to choose shoe"
me: "ok....................."(walk in pathetically)
her: "can help me choose anot? the white one or which one nice?"
finally paid her stuffs and zao..

really sad life yesterday.. gave me the phobia of working only.. so, next week maybe only give sat. hmmmmm must consider thoroughly. =D Saturday nightmare only...

BYE. i want sleep again liao [: Nightnightsss...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Some recent updates -winkwink-

heh heh heh heh heh heh
hell yea, i'm going bonkers soon .. after watch so many many siaokia movies recently =X

hmmm~ Chioulooi reminded me to blog yesterday.. lol, it's kind of time consuming because i'll end up reading blogs instead of updating xD

ok, i just help to wash up the smelly decomposing dishes .. for no reason. (lol, watch the time now.. yea i'm crazy) hahas.. past by the kitchen and the dishes just irritates meeeee. HATE IT WHEN THERE IS SO FREAKING MANY ANTS. Actually, my house is the insect kingdom. Dont bother to waste $ at sentosa to see them. LOL come over and you'll get to see things like beetle, ants, moth, grasshopper, butterfly etc. Not bad right =S

I know i should sleep soon but how.. tomorrow there's YOG training.. ]: i mean, LATER. in 5hours time. If i go to sleep now, i will just die in my bed and won't wake up .. and Auntie Tan will spam call me and scream through the phone when i ever pick up . heh heh heh.

I just read some blogs and feel so contented with my life now.. [; just feel so blessed. ThankGod for all that you provided. [:

I also remembered how human nature is. Another gossip bitch? Yea you, stop trying to think is someone else when the character mentioned exactly fits you. I don't mind the way you wish to say things when there are other people around but i don't get it.. Did you really become that perfect after commenting on people? LOL, get a good look at yourself in the mirror loser. You're just a common pathetic soul which has an additional bitchy mouth. I'm glad you're happy with what you're doing right now though, IF you really felt happy. hahas, get over bitch, your life aint much better after you used others as a joke.

P.S i'm not saying this into your damn face is not because i'm a pussy, i don't wish to lose you as a friend.

Phew~ finally get my nerves calmed. From deep of heart, i truely want you to stop all those nonsense. Its really lame ok. Totally not cool to blend with the "cool" people and trying to act like them. LMFAO.


Oh, i miss my cute-cute!!! I want him back working ]: I WANT SEE HIS CAR.. hehe
I wanna stalk you =>

Fyi, i got myself engaged with Darlinn Chioulooi<3!>
Oh, and not forgetting Jiamin<3!>Tomorrow i'm gonna bake them a cake as token of love.. Sweet huh =D I don't mind if anyone wish to try though .. hehe

Alright, my lengthy whine bored you already? xD Buhbye then ...... >.<